Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Give the captaincy back to John Terry

The discussion about John Terry's captaincy of England has reared its head again recently.

When it first came up for discussion in February 2010, I commented on it. Here are some snippets:

"So should John Terry carry on as England captain?

Chelsea obviously see no problem with the situation as he has carried on as captain of the Blues.

Why should it be any different for England?

Some may say the job's so important and it's representing the nation and all that. Is it? Is that the real reason for all this debate? Or is this just a typical media storm in a tea cup, brought about because of the lifting of restrictions on reporting this story, and the "haven't-we-done-well-to-expose-him?" media frenzy that has followed?

Let's face it. The media (newspapers in particular) love to "get" someone, don't they? And the bigger they are, the better. Captain of England? Top score!

If Fabio Capello sacked Terry as captain (and he won't), who would he put in his place?

Who are the candidates?
Steven Gerrard (he of the nightclub fight accusations)
Wayne Rooney (he of the dubious onfield discipline)
Rio Ferdinand (will he be fit?)

The fact is that Capello chose John Terry as England captain because he is the best man for the job - football-wise. Does there need to be another reason"

The only thing I was wrong about was that Capello DID sack Terry as captain. He chose Rio Ferdinand as his replacement, but Ferdinand has figured very infrequently due to injury (as I expected).

Give the captaincy back to John Terry - it's the right thing to do, Fabio. 


  1. There was a time, in a galaxy far, far, home and away...where to hold the position of captain of the England football team was an immense honour, a privilege, as opposed to a right. Besmirching that privilege either on or off the field was considered a mortal sin. And so, it really didn't ever happen. Fast forward to the 21st Century England Captain, 3 Lions, 3 Ferraris, 3 million a year salaries, 3 or more indiscretions in a season. Egos perfectly deformed, playing away is rife and avarice is a badge of honour. A personal tour of Wembley sir? ...do you wish to rent out my exclusive box? Please, do read my portfolio. John Terry, "Captain, Leader, Legend" - a banner proclaimed at last night's Champions League match against the "not so great" Danes. Do me a favour. Legend! Do tell? In my opinion, Terry doesn't deserve the armband back whatever opinions are espoused by the deluded. He forfeited that right when he overtly disrespected a team mate, a friend, with a dangerous liaison, with his dubious practice in renting out his not so prized Wembley box, with his contrived, incredibly flawed and unsupported attempt at rebellion in South Africa, to the complete surprise of his captain Steve Gerrard. But, most of all he doesn't deserve it back because he lacks humility, shows no regret and polishes his ego anew, despite pleadings to some close media that he needs help and sound advice to turn around his damaged profile after his failed World Cup coup. He doesn't deserve because he expects respect but commands little. Let us remember, he asked for help, he was invited to talk (privately) with certain reporters and media soothers. But, he failed to turn up, leaving the waiting reporters baffled but much wiser. JT, "prancer, chancer, tarnished ex England captain"

  2. Hey DaVinci, great comment.
    I thank you for your input - brilliant.
